Become a Collaborator

To access LONI’s computing cluster, users need to apply to become a Pipeline Collaborator. Collaborators will regularly contribute to LONI activities such as meetings, events, validation, dissemination, reporting, and may be involved with joint student or fellow training.

Benefits include:

  • Potential joint work with LONI faculty, direct IT support, access to LONI’s computational database, storage, web-services, and networking infrastructure
  • Access to LONI software, data, the Pipeline environment and multidisciplinary scientific expertise
  • Access to storage on the LONI servers
  • Ability to pilot test, provide feedback and directly influence novel LONI tools, study designs and services

Expectations of a Pipeline Collaborator:

  • Active, timely and expert participation in one or more LONI projects
  • Participation in LONI grant applications, publications and scientific progress reports
  • Sharing of challenges, data, tools, expertise and resources with LONI investigators
  • Research in underlying biological problems or core technology and development projects
  • Follow LONI Policies

  1. Introduction
  2. Installation
    1. Requirements
    2. Downloading
    3. Setup and launching
  3. Interface overview
    1. Connection manager
  4. Building a workflow
    1. Dragging in modules
    2. Connecting modules
    3. Setting parameter values
    4. Processing multiple inputs
    5. Enable/Disable parameters
    6. Saving a workflow
  5. Execution
    1. Executing a workflow
    2. Viewing output

1. Introduction

This Quick Start Guide to the LONI Pipeline covers the fundamentals of building a Pipeline. For a more detailed description of Pipeline features, please see the User Guide.

2. Installation

2.1 Requirements

The only requirement of the Pipeline client is an installation of JRE 1.6 or higher, which can be downloaded from Oracle. In terms of memory consumption, it’s unlikely that you’ll need to worry about having sufficient RAM to run the Pipeline.

2.2 Downloading

To get the latest version of the LONI Pipeline, go to the Pipeline web site and click on the download link in the navbar at the top. A LONI account is required to download LONI software, you can fill an application here.

2.3 Setup and launching

OS X: To install the program, double click the disk image file you downloaded, and drag the LONI Pipeline application into the Applications folder. Once the program is done copying you can unmount (eject) the disk image and throw it in the trash. To start the Pipeline, just go to your Applications folder and double-click on the LONI Pipeline application.

Windows: To install on Windows, double-click the installer and follow the on-screen instruction. Once it finishes installing, you can throw away the installer and launch the program by going to the Start menu->Programs->LONI Pipeline and start the program.

Linux/Unix: Extract the contents of the file to a location on disk, and execute the PipelineGUI script. Make sure you have the java binary in your path.

3. Interface overview

Interface Overview

3.1 Connecting to Pipeline servers

If you need to connect to different Pipeline servers, go to the ‘Window’ menu and click on ‘Connections…’. Alternatively, you can click on the disconnected circles at the bottom right of the window, and in the popup menu click on ‘Connections…’.


In here you can add a connection to any Pipeline server that you want to access. If you don’t know of any servers you can add the LONI Pipeline server ( but you will need to apply for a LONI cranium account to actually connect to it. Please note this account is different from the general LONI account. Once you’ve entered the connection, go ahead and click ‘Connect’ then close the dialog. After 30 seconds or so you’ll notice that your server library has been populated with tools from the server.

4. Building a workflow

Open a new workflow by going to File->New.

4.1 Dragging in modules

Go to the server library at the left and expand the desired package. Click on a module and drag it into the workflow canvas that you just opened. Repeat this step for all other modules that you need.


4.2 Connecting modules

Each module in a workflow can have some inputs and outputs. The inputs are on the top, and the outputs on the bottom. Connect the modules by clicking on the output parameter of a module and then dragging the mouse pointer to the following module’s input parameter.

Module connection

When you attempt to make a connection, the Pipeline does some initial checking to make sure the connection is valid. For example, it won’t let you connect a file type parameter to a number type parameter, or connecting an output to another output and more.

4.3 Setting parameter values

Now, specify values for the input parameters of each module which do NOT have a connection to a previous module. Double click on the input parameter and select the input value, making sure to choose an input that correctly matches the parameter type (File, Directory, String, Number or Enumerated). Also, File parameters can require a specific file type, so make sure to check this too if necessary.

Once you’ve set the inputs, you’ll want to specify a destination for the output of the final module. Double-click on the output parameter and specify the path where you want the output(s) to be written to.


Note that you can mix data that is located on your computer and the computer that the server resides on, and the Pipeline will take care of moving data back and forth for you. For example, the input to a module could be located on your local drive, but you could set the output to be written to some location on the Pipeline server or vice versa.

4.4 Processing multiple inputs

One of the strengths of the LONI Pipeline is its ability to simplify processing of multiple pieces of data, by using the same workflow you use to process a single input. In order to do this, you can create a Data Source and use it to feed a list of inputs into the first module. Right click on any blank space in the workflow canvas and select ‘Add Data Source’. In the dialog that opens enter some information about the data source, and then click on the ‘Data’ tab. From here, you can click on ‘Add files’ at the bottom of the dialog and add multiple files into the list, or you can just type in the path to a file manually. Note that at the bottom there is an option for a server in case you want the data source to represent data on another computer.


4.5 Enable/Disable parameters

Most modules have 2-3 required parameters on them, and several more optional parameters. If you want to exercise any of those additional options, simply double-click on the module and you’ll see a list of all the required and optional parameters for that module. For each additional option you want to use just click on the box on the left side of its name to enable it. Conversely, to disable it click on the box again. Notice that you are not able to disable parameters that are required.

4.6. Saving Workflows

In order to save a workflow, go to File->Save.

5. Execution

5.1 Executing a workflow

Once you’ve completed your workflow, you can execute the workflow by simply clicking on the ‘Play’ button at the bottom of the workflow area. If the program needs a connection to a server, it will prompt you for a username and password. If you’ve already stored a username and password to the server in your list of connections, then it will automatically connect for you.

Once all necessary connections have been made and has completed the workflow will begin to execute.


5.2 Viewing output

As the modules continue executing you can view the output and error streams of any completed module. You can bring up the log viewer by going to Window->Log Viewer or more easily, right-clicking on the module that you want to view information about and click on ‘Show Output Logs.’ This will bring up the log viewer and set its focus on the module that was clicked.

Web Service Module

User can now use web services in the workflow by creating Web Service module. SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) based web services are supported, all you have to do is to provide WSDL file for the web service, and the Pipeline will parse and generated appropriate web service module. For more information, check our User Guide – Web Service Module.

Workflow Comparison Utility

 The Workflow Comparison (diff) Utility can compare workflows within the Pipeline interface and show the differences. In order to launch this component, look for the Diff Workflows item under the Tools menu. For more information, check our User Guide – Workflow Diff Utility.

Data Extraction

 Metadata from Study modules can be read and written by any execution modules. Data Extraction enables extract (read) contents from the metadata and feed contents to the executable/module. Any value from the metadata can be pulled and put along with input or output parameter under the command line. For more information, check our User Guide – Data extraction.

Metadata Augmentation

Metadata from Study modules can be read and written by any execution modules. Metadata Augmentation allows the modification (write) of metadata with contents generated from the underlining executable. You can add, modify or remove elements from the metadata file, with values from input parameters, or output stream and error stream of the executable. For more information, check our User Guide – Metadata Augmentation.


You can preview the image output files of your completed workflows. You can preview the outputs in two ways, hoover over the mouse pointer at the output parameter node on the workflow canvas, or hoover over the mouse at output files panel of the module. If you have multiple instances, by pointing mouse at output parameter node on the canvas, the previewer will let you scroll through all of the instances. Commonly used image file formats (e.g. .img, .nii, .mnc) are supported.

Copy Output

Copy output is a handy feature that allows you copy any completed modules’ outputs. When you paste, each output parameter will be converted as data source, with all the output files listed. If there are multiple output parameters for that module, multiple data sources will be created with their corresponding files. This feature is helpful when you want to take already completed output files from one workflow to a new workflow.

Cancel Instance

 Pipeline 5.3 allows user to cancel any pending instance of a module. All the related instances of the subsequent modules will be canceled as well.

Custom Grid and Environment Variables

Server administrators can now control Pipeline’s grid engine variable usage and set restrictions to them and their values. This also allows arbitrary variable names and values. In addition, user can now define environment variables for any module. For more information, check our Server Guide – Grid Variables Policy.

For detailed change logs, please check the release notes.

keywords: change log, release note

(February 14, 2011) New versions of Pipeline Grid Plugins released today. In addition to bug fixes and improvements, they support one of the latest Pipeline features – array job submission.

There is another new feature in DRMAA plugin, which is the support for server restarts. This means that jobs which have started before the restart will not need to be killed. The plugin will allow Pipeline to monitor those jobs after the restart. This is in beta stage and any feedback is appreciated.

In addition to all the plugins, we have implemented a new version of DRMAA Plugin, which is designed to run withGridWay. This is an experimental version and any feedback is appreciated.

To download these plugins click here

  1. Module definition
    1. Info tab
      1. General module information
      2. Citation information
    2. Parameters tab
      1. General parameter information
      2. Parameter types
      3. File types
      4. Parameter arguments size
      5. Advanced parameter information
        1. Select dependencies
        2. Transformations
        3. Output/Error stream extraction
        4. Metadata extraction
        5. Output list file
    3. Execution tab
      1. Executable location
      2. Advanced options
    4. Metadata tab – Metadata Augmentation
  2. Alternative methods
    1. From help file
    2. Module Suggest
  3. Module groups

6.1 Module definition

In order to create or edit module, you need to know how a module is defined. We will go over module definition below. You can create a module this way (there are other ways described below), or edit any attribute in a module.

6.1.1 Info tab

When creating a module, whether it’s a simple module or a module group, you will always encounter this tab for adding information about a module. While none of it is required, it helps to have the information. General module information

  • Module Authors is a list of all the authors who contributed in describing the executable’s Pipeline definition.
  • Executable Authors is a list of all the programmers who contributed to writing the executable code.
  • Package is the name of the suite that the executable is a part of. For example, Align Linear is a part of the AIR package, Mincblur is a part of the MNI package, etc.
  • Version can refer to the package version or the individual executable version depending on how the developer manages their versioning. Use your best judgement to decide what would help users of your module definition more.
  • Name is the human readable name of the executable that you’re describing.
  • Description should describe what the program does and any pertinent information that might help a user who wants to use the module.
  • Icon In the top right corner of the tab is a large square button. Click on it to select an image for use as the icon of this module. You don’t have to worry about adjusting the size of the image to any special dimension (the Pipeline will take care of that for you). After you have selected an icon, there is a remove button that lets you remove the icon. You can also copy, paste, and remove the icon by right-clicking the module in the workflow and choose the appropriate action. Citation information

When creating a module definition, it’s a good idea to enter citations of the papers/presentations/etc. that we’re used to develop the module. When this information has been entered, users can easily be linked to the citation material through the use of Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) or PubMed IDs.

To add a citation to the module, click on the ‘Edit’ button next to the citations pane. A new dialog will appear, and you can click the ‘Add’ button and type in a citation in the new text box that appears below. If you want linkable DOIs or PubMed IDs just make sure to type them in the format defined in the window, and the Pipeline will take care of the rest. An example citation could look like:

Linus Torvalds, Bruce Schneier, Richard Stallman. Really cool research topic.
In Journal of High Regard, vol. 2, issue 3, pages 100-105.
University of Southern California, April 2007. 10.1038/30974xj298 PMID: 3097817

You can even enter your citation information in bibtex format. When you’ve entered them all, click OK and you will see links to the DOIs and PMIDs that you’ve written into the citations.

6.1.2 Parameters tab

The parameters tab contains information describing the command line syntax of the executable you’re describing. As a learning aid, we can use a fictional program called foo with a command line syntax of:

foo [-abcd -e arg -farg1 arg2 arg3] file1 [file2 ...] -o outputFileArg

You’ll notice our program has several optional parameters at the beginning with only two required parameters towards the end. Now let’s go about describing this in the Pipeline. General parameter information

If we look back at our fictional program command line syntax, we see it has 8 total parameters. Let’s start by adding the first 4 which are:

  • -a
  • -b
  • -c
  • -d

All four are optional and don’t require any additional arguments to them, so go ahead and click the ‘Add’ button 4 times to add 4 new parameters. Now for each parameter, edit the name to something meaningful. Notice on the right to the parameter name, there are two check boxes, Required and Input. Checking Required means this parameter is required by the executable. Checking Input means this parameter is input, otherwise it is an output. Leave Required unchecked and Input checked. In the bottom half of the window change the ‘Arguments’ selector box to ‘0’, which tells the Pipeline that these parameters don’t take any arguments from the user. Additionally, for each parameter, fill in the ‘Switch’ field in the lower part of the dialog to the appropriate value (-a or -b or -c or -d). At this point you may want to fill in a description for each parameter, so users will know what they do when they are turned on.

Because these parameters don’t take any arguments we don’t need to set the ‘Type.’ So far your screen should look something like the following figure:

Now that we’ve added the first four, let’s work on the next two parameters: -e and -f. Click ‘Add’ once for each parameter, and the Pipeline will add 2 more new parameters for you. Notice the order that you define the parameters, because that order is what the Pipeline will use to construct the command that gets issued to the system when it’s executing workflows. In case any of your parameters are out of order, just click and drag them each into the order that you want.

Again, both of these parameters are optional so there’s no need to check the ‘Required’ box in the parameter table. However, each of these are ‘String’ type parameters, so change the type from the default ‘File’ to ‘String.’ Also, notice that the -e takes in 1 argument and the -f takes in 3 arguments. Adjust each accordingly like you did with the previous parameters. Finally, enter the switch for each and give a helpful description of what each one does, so the end user can figure out how to work with the module.

There’s something peculiar about the -f parameter and that’s that it does not have a space separating it from its arguments on the command line. To tell the Pipeline about this in the module definition, uncheck the checkbox labeled ‘Space after switch.’



Let’s add the next parameter, so click ‘Add’ to place another parameter into the defintion. Another thing to notice about this parameter is that it takes 1 or more files, so we should set the ‘Arguments’ selector box to ‘Unknown’. Also, because this parameter takes files as its arguments, we leave the ‘Type’ set to the default, however we can tell the Pipeline a little more about this parameter by selecting the specific type of file that the program expects, so let’s select ‘Text file.’ This will help the Pipeline in checking for valid connections between different modules, or helping users in selecting files from their computer to be bound to this parameter when using the module. If the file type needed for a parameter that you’re defining is not listed, you can just leave it set to ‘File,’ which will accept any type of File.

Go ahead and add the last parameter (-o outputArgFile) to the definition. Because this is an output parameter, make sure to uncheck the input checkbox in the parameter table next to this parameter. Your definition should look something like shown on left. Parameter types

When you come across programs that need other types of parameters, refer to this list for information about each type supported by the Pipeline:

Choose this type for inputs when a program expects the path to an _already existing_ directory.
Choose it as an output parameter if the program expects it as a path to write data out to. Please note that the Pipeline will not create output directories for programs. It will specify a path for a directory to be created at when generating commands, but the actualy directory creation is left up to the program.
This should be used for input parameters that accept an option that can be only from a limited set. For example, a program might one of the following: “xx”, “yy”, “zz”.
The most common type of parameter, but can be further categorized by choosing a file type defined in the Pipeline. (NOTE: Choosing file types allows the pipeline to establish connections between complementary parameters, and appends appropriate extension to intermediate files being created between modules, which some programs rely on.)
Either a integers or floats
Any string of characters required by parameters
Flow Control
This type of parameter allows module to be started without transferring any data from parents. For example if you have two modules and they don’t share any parameter between them but you want one module to start after another, then you can connect them by using this type of parameter. File types


If you have a module that has an input parameter of type File, you must specify at least one file type for the parameter. It can be the generic File, or a specific type of file. Pipeline has a set of predefined common file types. They are listed with name, extension and optionally need file type. The name describes the file type, the extension defines the extension of the file, and need file type tells whether it requires some additional file (e.g. Analyze image has an extension of img and need file hdr). You can type your keyword to search for a specific file type. If you don’t find the file type, you can also define your own file types.

If you need to define a new file type, click “Edit file types…” on Paremeters tab, and click on the + button. Enter in the Name, a description of the file type, the extension, and also any need file(s) that have to be associated with this file type. Click OK, and the newly defined file type will be added as one of the options in the Acceptable file types window. Please note: the Pipeline determines filetype compatibility between connected parameters solely by checking for matching file extensions. The name and description of filetypes is not compared during compatibility tests. Parameter arguments size

Every parameter in the Pipeline needs to be assigned a number of arguments that it needs to accept. Except for enumerated types which are set to 1 automatically, for all other types, e.g. Directory, File, String, and Number, there are three cases for specifying arguments size.

In most cases this is simply some constant number (1,2,3,4,5,6,…). Simply check “Specified” button and specify the number of arguments next to it.

Sometimes for an input parameter could take any number (infinite number) of arguments. Simply check “Unknown” button.

Sometimes for an output parameter the size could depend on an input parameter. Simply check “Based on” button and in the drop down, specify which input parameter it depends on. Then when the module is executed in a workflow, the base parameter will have a number of arguments equal to the base parameter, which should have its arguments size set to ‘Unknown’ for any practical purposes. Let’s demonstrate this with an example.


Suppose you have a program that can take in an (theoretically) infinite number of inputs on the command line, and will process each of those inputs and create a corresponding output. Our command line syntax would look like the following:

./foo -inputs in1 in2 in3 in4... inn -outputs out1 out2 out3 out4... outn

So if we have 2 input files, we’ll have 2 output files; and if we have 25 input files, we’ll have 25 output files. To describe this in the Pipeline, make a new module with two parameters; one input and one output. Make the arguments size of the input ‘Unknown’ and the arguments size of the output “Based on” the name of the input parameter. Your module should then look something like shown here. Advanced parameter information


While describing executables for use in the Pipeline, you will inevitably come across the need to use some of the advanced parameter features in the Pipeline. Right-click a simple module and select ‘Edit Module’ to bring up the editing dialog for the module. Click on the Parameters tab, select a parameter you want to edit, and then click on the ‘Advanced…’ button at the bottom right of the dialog. Select dependencies

On the left side of the advanced parameter dialog, you’ll find a list of all the parameters in the module, except for the parameter that you’re currently editing. By checking a box for each dependency, you’re telling the Pipeline that if a user enables the current parameter (the one you’re editing), then you must also enable the following parameters (the ones you check in the advanced parameter dialog). Transformations

Sometimes an executable will take in an output and will automatically create an output that is just some variation of the input. Let’s use an example:

./foo infile

Let’s assume the program creates the output to be the same name as the input but with a .out appended to it. To handle this, create an output parameter in the ‘Parameters tab’ and then click on the ‘Advanced…’ button of the output parameter. In the ‘Transformations’ area of the parameter set the base to the name of the input parameter. Then select the ‘Append’ transformation operation from the selection box and type in .out for the value. Click ‘Add’ and you’re done! You’ve just created a side effect output. Note that as a result of specifying a base parameter in this dialog, the default behavior of the Pipeline is to exclude the parameter from the command line. If you want to change this behavior, check the ‘Include transformed parameter on command line’ box. It will simply use the transformed name as the location of the output and pass that on to successive modules for usage. Here are descriptions about how the other transformations work:

Add a string or regular expression to the end of the filename. Example: append:xxx
/tmp/myfile.img becomes /tmp/myfile.imgxxx
Add a suffix string or regular expression to the filename. Example: prepend:xxx
/tmp/myfile.img becomes /tmp/xxxmyfile.img
Replaces every occurrence of the find value with the replace value.
Example: find:my replace:your
/tmp/myfile.img becomes /tmp/yourfile.img
Remove the string or regular expression from the end of a file. If the string is not found at the end of the file, nothing will happen.
Example: Subtract .img /tmp/myfile.img becomes /tmp/myfile
Example: Subtract .hdr /tmp/myfile.img stays as /tmp/myfile.img

Note that the transformation operations are only applied to the filename of the base parameter, not the entire path. Also, if you don’t specify a base parameter, then the Pipelie will put this parameter on the command line, and will apply the transformations to the path string that gets passed on to the next module. If the parameter is an input, the transformations are applied to the incoming path string and then put on the command line. The transformations never change the actual filename, just the way references to them are made on the command line. Output/Error stream extraction

undefinedundefinedundefined You can extract module’s output and/or error steams as an output parameter of the module. To do so, create an output parameter and specify type String or Number. Under General tab of the parameter, you will see Data Extraction section. There are two ways to extract strings (keys) from output/error stream, String Matching, which matches the string before and after the key, and Exact Location, which extract the key at the row and column coordinates. Exact Location works well if the text is tabular formatted, and columns are separated by a common special character, such as comma (CSV), space.

Example (String Matching)
Suppose your program prints the following text in standard out (output stream):

Suppose you are interested in the value of Right-Hippocampus, you can specify String Matching with Right-Hippocampus as Start string, and empty End string. After the job is completed, the server will parse the output stream and find matches (if any). In this particular example, 192 will be assigned as value of output parameter.

Example (Exact Location)
Suppose your program prints the following text in standard out (output stream):

Suppose you are interested in subjectAge column, you can specify Exact Location, Comma as delimiter, All lines and Column number 7 (7th column). By default, it will find the first match of the indicated line and column (it will be 74.0 in the above example). However, if you want to get all matches, you can check Match all occurrences (it will have 3 values in the above example: 74.0, 61.0, 52.0).

In all cases, you can then connect this output parameter to another module’s input (it must have the same String/Number type) so that the value is passed onto that module. Metadata extraction

The Metadata tab under parameter allows you to extract values from metadata and feed to the underline module. This feature is enabled for any modules with a Study module as ancestor.

All you have to do is to specify the XPath of the metadata element in which the value will be extracted, as well as where to put the value under on the command line. For example, we have a Study module with data and metadata pairs, one metadata looks like this:


undefinedAnd suppose we have a data processing module that takes the data file, and subject gender and subject age as input arguments. This can be done by creating input parameter for the data file, and under Metadata tab for the parameter, specify the XPaths for these elements, /subject/gender and /subject/age, or you can have them defined as workflow variables (gender and age), and use them as {gender} and {age}. You can specify the location, whether it’s in front of the data, (e.g. executable [gender] input) or after the data (e.g. executable input [gender]). Prefix allows you to give a prefix string for the extracted data, for example, your executable may require a prefix of -gender= before the gender value (e.g. executable input.img -gender=M ...).

Once you specify a data extract rule, click Add to add to the parameter. At the bottom of the panel there is a list of data extract elements. You can update or remove any by selecting the item in the list. Output list file

Output list file is used when an executable generates unknown number of outputs, and the next module takes those outputs as if they were listed one by one.

Consider the following scenario, a program takes a zip file and only interested in .nii files in the zip file. The next module takes these nii files as input. To represent first program, we would create a module with output parameter type nii, and enable Output is a list file. Then we have to modify the program to write the paths of unzipped nii files to the list file, one path per line. The next module will be taking nii file as input just as normal. When executing, the command for the first module will look like /path/to/exec /path/ /pipeline/temp/output.list, the actual .nii file paths will be in output.list file, and the next module will read the content of the list file and determine number of instances based on it.

6.1.3 Execution tab

undefinedThe Execution tab contains the module’s executable information, its path and server address, and advanced options such as maximum memory and stack size. Executable location

The first thing you’ll want to do is specify the location of the executable. If this is a program on your local computer, just browse to the location of the program and select it.

If you’re setting up a server and you’re defining modules for use on it, then make sure you check the ‘Remote’ box, and type in the server address in the box, and that the path to the executable is the path of the executable on the computer the server is running on. Advanced options


Some jobs may require some environmental variables to be set. In order to set an environmental variable, you’ll need to add them to environment variables table. The first column is the name of the variable and the second column is the value. Let’s say you want to define variable FSL_DIR with value /some/path. Put FSL_DIR in the first column and /some/path in the second column. Pipeline will run the module with these variables already defined.

If you need to run jobs with some specific grid variables, you’ll need to fill out the Grid Variables table the same way as for environmental variables ( see above this paragraph ). For example, if you are connected to server which uses SGE and would like to increase the memory limit of the job, then you could define following values
h_vmem 8G
or for stack size, you would need something like
h_stack 128m

With proper server configuration, the Pipeline can support MPI for Grid Engine and/or a special queue with external network access enabled. To enable this for your modules, check MPI and provide parameters for MPI programs, or check to enable external network access for programs that require external network access.

The last option in this tab is to always use outer product multiplication. This is relevant for modules connected to multiple data sources where the number of elements in each data source is the same but you want every element in the first data source is executed with every element in the second. Pipeline by default does inner product multiplication in this situation, but selecting this checkbox will change the behavior of the module to do outer product multiplication regardless of the number of elements in your data sources. See the example below.

If data source 1 contains 3 values [a,b,c] and data source 2 contains 3 elements [1,2,3], then…
*note that the values in the actual data sources will be on separate lines

Inner product multiplication will execute 3 jobs as follows:
a 1, b 2, and b 3

Outer product multiplication will execute 9 jobs as follows:
a 1, a 2, a 3
b 1, b 2, b 3
c 1, c 2, c 3

6.1.4 Metadata tab – Metadata Augmentation

The metadata tab allows you to specify instructions/actions to augment/modify metadata with values generated from the module. This feature is enabled for any modules with a Study module as ancestor. Pipeline automatically detects this condition, and will show one of the metadata file on the top part of the metadata tab.

There are three options you can do with metadata, append a new XML element, modify value for an existing element, and remove an element. All three options require you to identify the location of the element, using XPath. Alternatively, in the metadata sample tree provided on top of the tab, you can click on the element, the XPath will be automatically filled in.

In addition to the XPath location of the element, the Append option requires the new element name and value, the Modify option requires the element value. (Remove option only needs the location of the element to be removed).

undefinedundefinedundefined To specify element name or value, there are 4 ways. 1) Specified, in which specific, static value is given. 2) From input parameter, in which value are obtained from the specific input parameter. 3) From metadata, which extract element value from the metadata file. 4) Extract out/error stream, that element value is obtained from output/error stream of the executable.

There are two ways to extract strings (keys) from output/error stream, String Matching, which matches the string before and after the key. And Exact Location, which extract the key at the row and column coordinates. Exact Location works well if the text is tabular formatted, and columns are separated by a common special character, such as comma (CSV), space.

You can define multiple actions, which will be listed at the bottom of the tab.

You have a simple metadata with data as input, the metadata looks like this:

It goes through a data processing module, which calculates some measure called MDS Score and print as output stream:
Start processing subject 12345...
Subject MDS Score: 32.25

Using Metadata Augmentation, Pipeline can gather value from output and put it to the metadata, so that result metadata will contain updated information corresponding to the result data, and also subsequent modules may make use of it (e.g. Conditional module, Data Extraction). For this example, we want to append subject’s MDS Score to its metadata.

undefinedundefinedTo do so, make a Study module with data metadata pair, and connect to the processing module. Under processing module’s metadata tab, the metadata XML should be automatically displayed as a tree format. Specify the action Append, specify the location in which the new element is appended, by clicking on the node of the XML tree. We want it to be a child under subject element, so we click subject node.

For the element name, we want to give a static name, MDS_Score. So we select Specified and give MDS_Score. For element value, we want it to be taken from output stream. We select Extract output/error stream option for Value, and click on the empty text field. A new window pops up, which lets you specify the String location. We check only output stream, and specify Use String matching rule, and specify start string as “Subject MDS Score: ” (without quotes). Leave end string blank, it will be the end of the line or end of the file. Check Case sensitive so that matching only happens when cases are also matched. Click OK to go back to Metadata tab. Finally, click Add to add this action to the list. Click OK to save to the module.

Now after the module is run, the result metadata (the XML can be viewed under module’s output files tab) will look like this:


It is common for an application to generate a table of values as output. In order to extract the values from all cells and append them to the metadata file, we would have to define a specific rule for each cell. This can be time consuming. To expedite this, there is an automatic extraction feature that asks the user to define the characteristics of the output table and uses this information to append elements to the metadata file. First of all, Pipeline needs to know where to find the table. The options are the standard output stream, error stream, and any of the module’s file parameters. Next, the user specifies if there are column or row headers in the output table. If there are, then these header values serve as XML element names for the appended elements. If not, Pipeline generates generic element names (i.e., column_1, row_2, etc). The third criterion is the table delimiter. The user can either choose any whitespace as the delimiter or specify a delimiter by typing it in. Finally, the user needs to specify the organization of the derived data in the resulting metadata file. The options are “Columns as parents”, “Rows as parents”, and “Flat”. The first two are hierachical; in other words, an element is created with a name corresponding to a row or column header. Then, the values in the column or row are appended as child elements. The “Flat” option removes any hierarchy and combines the row and column header names to generate a flat XML structure with hybrid element names.

6.2 Alternative methods

In addition to the basic editing method, there are a few ways to automatically create modules.

6.2.1 From help file

You can use program’s help/manual text to create module. To do so, open a workflow and then right-click on any blank part of the canvas. In the popup menu, click New > Module… and you should be presented with a new window which asks for a help file or tab separated values.


In this window you can paste in a help file, a manual page, or a web-based documentation page and Pipeline will attempt semi-automatically to convert this textual description of the tool execution syntax to a module definition. As there is a considerable amount of variation between help/man/doc file formats, this conversion can be incomplete or inaccurate and must always be manually/visually inspected at the end.

IMPORTANT Please paste the help file or manual page content from the beginning, otherwise the results can be wrong.

The screenshot on the left shows an example of how to generate Echo module from echo’s manual page.


And the 2nd screenshot example shows the usage of help file of FSL’s BET for creating a module

Also, you can paste tab separated values to describe each parameter of the module line by line. The value order should match with the value order of the table located on the bottom of window. Here is an example of tab separated values.

In the 3rd picture, user created values in Microsoft Excel table and pasted only values (without the header) to Pipeline.

If you want to create the module manually from scratch, you can click “Switch to Classic View” button.

6.2.2 Module Suggest

Module suggest feature allows you to check the most likely successor and predecessor modules of any given module, based on the usage history on the Pipeline server. You can right-click on any module, and choose “Suggest Successor…” or “Suggest Predecessor…”. A list of modules will be suggested, and you may click on any of them to see detailed information of that module. Upon confirmation, the module will be added to the canvas, with connections automatically drawn.

6.3 Module groups

As you continue to use the Pipeline, you will notice that your workflows are overflowing with modules. You might also have a grouping of a few modules together in many of your workflow that performs the same basic operation in all of them. In the spirit of promoting reusability and clean looking workflows, the Pipeline can represent a group of modules as a single module in a workflow. To demonstrate, let’s use an example that is a combination of multiple modules available in the LONI Pipeline server library. If you don’t have an account to the server, just follow along in the program and check the screenshots provided.

First off, make sure you’ve connected to the LONI Pipeline server before so you have the LONI library. Now we’re going to create a reusable module group that performs an image registration and reslice.

  1. Drag the ‘Align Linear’ and ‘Reslice AIR’ modules into a new workflow
  2. Connect the output of ‘Align Linear’ to the input of ‘Reslice AIR.’
  3. Double-click on the ‘Module Number’ parameter of ‘Align Linear’ and set it to any one of the values (doesn’t matter what you set it to for this exercise)
  4. Right-click on the output of ‘Reslice AIR’ and click ‘Export Parameter.’ This will make the parameter visible on the outer module group (you’ll see what that means in a second)
  5. Repeat step 4 on the ‘Standard Volume’ and ‘Reslice Volume’ parameters of the ‘Align Linear’ module as well.
  6. Now go to ‘File->Properties’ so we can fill in some info about this. Give the module group a name and a description and whatever else you want to fill in. You can even add an icon if you want. When you’re done, click OK.
  7. Save the workflow into your personal library directory.

undefined undefined Now if we want to use this module group inside other workflows, all we have to do is open up the personal library, and drag in the module we just made (if your personal library was already open, click the refresh button in your personal library after you save the workflow for the module group to become visible). By default, it will be listed under the package name specified. If you did not specify a package name, it will be under ‘Unknown.’ Once you’ve found it, drag it into a workflow and bask in the fruits of your labor.

As you can see, only the parameters that you exported are visible on your module group. This allows you to hide the complexity of the inner modules, which is quite beneficial when you encapsulate very large and complex workflows. You could theoretically have a module group that contains dozens of modules with just a single input and ouput if you’re task allowed/benefited from it.

Now it’s nice to be able to hide all that complexity in a workflow, but sometimes you really need to get into it, so if you just double-click on a module group you’ll zoom into the module and see its contents. If you notice the clickable ‘Module Groupings’ bread crumb bar at the top of the workflow, it will let you traverse through the levels in the workflow that you’re viewing.

Previous: 5. Execution Table of Contents Next: 7. Advanced Topics
  1. Dragging in modules
  2. Connecting modules
    1. Smartline
  3. Setting parameter values
  4. Data sources and data sinks
  5. Cloud sources and cloud sinks
  6. Adding Metdata
    1. Input data tab
    2. Grouping tab
    3. Matrix tab
  7. Conditionals
    1. File conditions example
    2. Arithmetical/Comparison example
    3. Metadata conditions example
  8. Web service modules
  9. Transformer module
  10. Remote file browser
  11. Processing multiple inputs
  12. Enable/Disable parameters
  13. Annotations
  14. Variables
  15. IDA
  16. NDAR
  17. XNAT
  18. Cloud storage
  19. Server changer

For this example, we’re going to build a workflow from modules provided to us by the LONI Pipeline server. You don’t need to use the LONI server to create workflows though, and you can make your own modules as described later in this guide. First, open a new workflow by going to File->New.

4.1 Dragging in modules

Go to the server library at the left and expand the ‘AIR’ package. Click on the ‘Align Linear’ module and drag it into the workflow canvas that you just opened. Next drag in the ‘Reslice AIR’ module under the same package. Your screen should something like this.


Please note that in the current release of the LONI Pipeline, all modules that are used in a workflow must be either from the same server (remote or locally), or a pair of a remote server and your local machine (i.e. localhost). For example, you can mix modules from the LONI Pipeline server and your local machine, but you cannot mix modules from the LONI Pipeline server and modules from the Acme Pipeline server.

4.2 Connecting modules

Each module in a workflow can have some inputs and outputs. The inputs are on the top, and the outputs on the bottom. Go ahead and connect the output of the ‘Align Linear’ to the input of ‘Reslice AIR.’

When you attempt to make a connection, the Pipeline does some initial checking to make sure the connection is valid. For example, it won’t let you connect a file type parameter to a number type parameter, or connecting an output to another output and more.

Side note: the Pipeline supports the connection of a single output parameter to multiple input parameters, as well as the connection of multiple output parameters to a single input parameter. In the first case, the value of the output parameter is simply fed into all of the subsequent input parameters. In the latter case, the multiple outputs are all executed as a part of one command using the input parameter module’s executable.

One_Output_Multiple_Inputs Multiple_Outputs_One_Input

4.2.1 Smartline

Smartline is an automatic file conversion tool. Based on information about input and output, a Smartline can be drawn which takes care of any file translation needed. It is enabled by default, and you can disable it in your Preferences.


When Smartline is enabled and you try to make a connection between different image formats, for example Analyze Image (.img), NIFTI (nii) or MINC (mnc), you will see “Smartline” is prompted at the end node. After you release the mouse click, a Smartline will be drawn. You will notice it is different in appearance from the regular line, as it has an extra converter module to do format translation. You can always replace an existing Smartline with a regular connection by right click Smartline and “Disable Smartline”. It will delete the Smartline and draw a regular connection if the file format of input and output matches. In addition, you can hold the “Shift” key when you draw lines, which overrides your saved Smartline mode temporarily, i.e. if you disabled Smartline in preference, it will try to draw a Smartline, if you have Smartline enabled in preference, it will try to draw a regular line.

4.3 Setting parameter values

Now we need to set the values of each of the input parameters on the ‘Align Linear’ module. Double-click on the left most parameter and select an image atlas. This is a neuroimaging specific file type so you may not have one. You can double-click on each parameter afterwards and enter a value for each one.

Once you’ve set the inputs of ‘Align Linear’ you’ll want to specify a destination for the output of the ‘Reslice AIR.’ Double-click on its output parameter and specify the path and a filename you want the file to be written to.


Note that you can mix data that is located on your computer and the computer that the server resides on, and the Pipeline will take care of moving data back and forth for you. For example, the input to the ‘Align Linear’ could be located on your local drive, but you could set the output of the ‘Reslice AIR’ to be written to some location on the Pipeline server or vice versa.

4.4 Data sources and data sinks


Sometimes you will want to use a single piece of data as an input to multiple modules in a workflow, or you just want to make the workflow easier to understand. In these cases you can take advantage of sources and sinks. Just right-click on any blank space in the workflow canvas and select New > Data source… In the dialog that opens enter some information about the data source, and then click on the ‘Inputs’ tab. From here, you can click on ‘Browse’ under the text area and browse and select multiple files into the list, or you can just type in the path to a file manually. You can click ‘Find and Replace’ button to do search and replace on your input data. Note that at the top there is an option for a server in case you want the data source to represent data on another computer.

Using this same method, you can right-click on the canvas and select New > Data sink… for use in your workflow. If no data sink is specified, output files will be in the temporary directory, with system generated filenames. You can specify the output filenames and location in a data sink and connect to the output of the module, the file will be generated specifically on that destination. Starting from version 5.1, files in data sinks are not copied over from temporary directories, but rather generated directly at the module’s execution time.

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Sometimes you want to just specify a target directory without specifying each file individually. Data source and data sink let you do this. For Data Source, select Directory Source and specify desired directory. Optionally, you can put filters so that only filenames inside the directory that meet the filter will be included. You can also specify file types, which filter based on file extensions. You can also check Recursive checkbox, which lets you search through sub-directories recursively. After connecting this Data Source to input of other modules, files in this directory that meet the filter’s condition will be feed as input. For Data Sink, select Directory Dump and specify desired directory, then all output files connected to this Data Sink will be copied to this directory.

4.5 Cloud sources and cloud sinks

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Cloud sources and sinks are similar to regular data sources and sinks, except that data are stored in the cloud. LONI Pipeline will take care of the data transfer between the cloud vendor and the compute nodes. To use cloud sources and sinks, you need to link your cloud account instructed here. You only have to do this once; the authentication tokens are securely kept for your convenience. You can unlink/revoke Pipeline’s access to your cloud account anytime from either Pipeline’s Tools > Cloud Storage window, or from your cloud vendor account settings.

To use your data in cloud as input, simply right-click on any blank space in the workflow canvas and select New > Cloud source… In the new dialog, you can specify vendor (if you have linked multiple vendors), and you can specify input by clicking Browse & Add… A file chooser window will open up with files in your cloud. You can specify one or multiple files. You can specify Pipeline server location to stage these files. Please note for Dropbox, only files in /Apps/LONI Pipeline/ can be accessed by the LONI Pipeline.

To write Pipeline output to the cloud, simply right-click on the canvas and select New > Cloud sink… Specify vendor, paths and servers. Please note that Amazon S3 and Dropbox are supported vendors of cloud sinks.

4.6 Adding Metadata

The “add metadata” button is a feature inside regular data sources that extends its functionality, allowing you to incorporate imaging data and non-imaging meta-data together, enable queries groupings, and construct study-designs based on user-specified criteria. Both the imaging data and the metadata information are passed to subsequent modules throughout the pipeline workflow in data-metadata pairs generated by the Pipeline. You can inspect the metadata for any module’s output under the module output files panel. The metadata can be read and fed to any module (Data Extraction), and values produced by any module can be added back to the metadata (Metadata Augmentation). The metadata may be used for setting up various conditional criteria in Conditional modules. The metadata information may be represented as an XML file, as long as it’s schema is valid (well-formed) and consistent (uniform for every subject in the study), or as a tabular spreadsheet (CVS).

First create a regular data source, then double-click the data source and click “Add Metadata”. Two new tabs will appear next to the Input tab.

4.6.1 Input data tab

undefined undefined This is very similar to the data-input mechanism in data-sources but has several additional components. It has two new text areas, one on the left that is used to input the data files, and the one on the right, used to input the corresponding metadata files. These two fields are formatted in such a way that the files listed in both areas are paired with each other and are listed in the same order. For example, line #1 in the data field is linked to line #1 in the metadata field and corresponds to subject/input #1; line #2 in the data field is linked with line #2 in the metadata field and belongs to subject/input #2; and so on. By selecting a file in either of the two fields (data/metadata) automatically selects the corresponding file in the other filed for ease of viewing.

In addition to the default view (separated view), there is also an option to merge the 2 windows and create a single text area. In the merged view, the data file and the meta data file pairs are listed on each line separated by a semicolon. The merged view is very useful when both data and metadata files have to be edited at the same time like deleting several entries, copy and paste entries, find-and-replace, etc. Switching between the 2 views is very simple (view mode option on the study module “data” window is used to switch between views) and can be done at anytime.

There are also several other options on the Data tab,

• Find and Replace: used to find a specific value and replace it with user specified value in both the data and metadata sections.

• Add Data, Add Meta Data: used to input files that are locally or remotely located.

• Clear list: used to delete everything listed.

• Number of Input items: lists the number of inputs specified by the user. A mismatch error will appear if the number of data files is not the same as the number of meta data files.

• Data type: the type of data entered can be specified using this option. It can be a directory, file, number, string, or enumerated. There is no type selection for metadata since the design supports only XML file format.

There is an Import Data option next to the Server address option. This allows the user to create a study module by importing data from directories or by specifying the file paths that exist on any of the LONI servers or on the user local machine. The Pipeline automatically matches the data and metadata files and creates a study module. This option can be used only if the data and the meta data organization on the servers follow predefined rule or format such as,

undefined undefined undefined

• Filename matching rule takes a directory, finds all files under the directory and matches data and metadata that have the same core name. By selecting “Recursive” all subdirectories are recursively searched. In order to restrict the search to only certain type of data, type of file option can be used. Filters can also be used to restrict the search based on some criteria.

• Derived from metadata rule takes a list of metadata files, derives data path from an element of the metadata and matches the metadata with the derived data. In order to do this, a directory path that contains these metadata files and the element name that contains the data path has to be specified. As for the filename matching rule, recursive and the filter options can also be used.

• Derived from CSV rule takes a CSV file that contains list of subject data information in a special format. The first row in this file corresponds to the column names/heading. Any information that is required about the subject could be listed in each column but the paths to the data file for each subject must always be listed. Starting from the second row each of the subject information is listed, one subject per row. The Pipeline reads the CSV file and automatically creates one metadata file for each subject and derives the paths to the corresponding data files as well.

After the rule and the required information is chosen, clicking on the Show Items button under the Import Data checkbox will list the data and the corresponding metadata files that matched the specification in viewing text window, file type is selected based on the file extension.

4.6.2 Grouping tab


Once the input data and the metadata files are selected, various groups, populations cohorts and strata can be created based on some meta-data criteria. There are two areas under the Grouping tab (similar to the Data tab), the left section lists all the metadata files specified under Data tab, and the right section lists the groups once they are defined.

A group can be created by clicking on the “New Group” option and specifying a group name. The group name can be changed later by right clicking on the group name. Clicking on one of the Group names, a new field appears at the bottom of the window used for specifying the grouping criteria – what metadata condition specified group-membership.

The grouping criteria follow the format of WHERE clause of XQuery (URL-REFERENCE). It contains several simple boolean operators. The Pipeline queries each of the metadata files based on the user-specified criteria and returns a boolean result. If true, then the imaging data file associated with the metadata-data item will be added to the group. The operators are, ,: comma, >: greater than, >=: greater than equal to, <: lesser than, <=: lesser than equal to. Single quotes must be used for a string value and there is no need for quotes for specifying numbers.

undefined undefined undefined

Before setting up the criteria for a particular group, a specific element in the metadata has to be identified. Once this is done the element has to be defined using XPath. To specify the XPath, the XML file on the left side of the 2-pane window is selected by double clicking on it, which causes an XML tree viewer to pop up. By selecting any element in the XML file, a path appears at the bottom of the window and this is the XPath. Once this is determined, the element can be defined by clicking on Add as variable and specifying a simple name for the element. This new element can be used to set up any conditional-expression criteria for any group that is created. Multiple variables can be defines as long as their names are unique. To view the list of variables, in the Menu bar, select Window > Variables. To use a variable and set up a criterion, curly brackets are wrapped around the variable name (e.g. {varAge}>56).

Under the grouping criteria conditions similar to the following example can be used,

{CDRSCORE}>=1 and {GENDER}=’F’, where

• CDRSCORE and GENDER are variables defined,

• >=, < are boolean operators,

• and/or represent conjunctions and disjunctions.

Multiple conjunctions and disjunctions can be used. Using parentheses (), explicitly specifies operation precedence, anything inside parentheses is evaluated first.

Once the grouping criteria are defined, clicking on the Update button will save the criteria and will display the result. Members satisfying the criteria will be listed under this group and the total group size will also be visible in the right pane. At any time, clicking on the Reload button all groups will updated and will display the results of the conditional expressions. A group can be deleted by pressing the Delete Group button.

undefinedAnother way to define and create a group for certain elements in the metadata file is the following: to create 2 groups based on whether the subject is male or female, one can select the element gender/sex in the metadata file, add the XPath as variable and click on Generate Groups option. A new window appears where the name of the variable ({gender/sex}) is entered. Two groups, Male and Female are automatically generated after clicking OK. Another example where this feature is useful is when the dataset has multiple groups, patient type1, patient type2, control subjects and so on. By selecting the corresponding element in the metadata file that defines the subject group type, one can use the Generate Groups option to easily create as many groups as the number of distinct values for that element.

4.6.3 Matrix tab


The Matrix tab provides a customized table view of all the metadata or multiple metadata elements chosen from the study. Multiple metadata elements can be selected by specifying the XPath or the variable for the XPath (separated by commas). Each column in the table corresponds to a metadata element (same order as specified) and each row corresponds to the subjects (same order as specified in the Input data tab). XML tree viewer’s “Add as matrix column button” can also be used to add more metadata elements to the table. Clicking on the Generate Matrix button, a table containing these results will be generated. The table can be sorted by clicking on the header of any column and can be exported to a CSV file by clicking on the CSV file button.

You can also save metadata of the study module as a flat CSV file. Click Save metadata as CSV… button, choose filename, and click OK. One metadata will be saved as one row in the CSV file. The first row in the CSV file will be headers. The first three columns in the CSV file will be index, data value, and metadata path of the study module. Missing value will be treated as empty value (nothing between two commas).

4.7 Conditionals

Conditional module is used when the execution path of various inputs to a workflow is dependent on some criteria. Use of Conditional Modules makes the workflow more dynamic. Conditional module can be created by right clicking on the empty area in any workflow and choosing “Conditional” under the “New” option. A new dialog will appear that has three tabs. The first and second tab is similar to what is seen in other type of modules. The third tab is different and is called “Conditions”. Under this tab there is a “Condition source code” section where the conditional criteria should be entered. The syntax of the code entered is the same as the Pipeline Programming Language (PPL), which is similar to Java/C. Pipeline programming language is very simple and easy to learn.

undefined undefined undefined

Pipeline programming language supports following functions

Supported functions

Function name Parameter type Description
exists() File Tests whether the file or directory denoted by parameter’s path exists.
isdir() File Tests whether the file denoted by this parameter’s path is a directory
length() File Returns the length of the file denoted by this parameter’s path.
hasMetadata() All types Tests whether the parameter value has metadata
runXQuery(“”) All types Given a string of the ‘where’ clause of the XQuery language, returns boolean result of the query
belongsToGroup(“”) All types Given a string of group name defined in the Study module, tests whether the parameter belongs to the group
getElementValue(“”) All types Returns the value of an XML element identified by the given XPath
startsWith(“”) String Tests if this string starts with the specified prefix.
endsWith(“”) String Tests if this string ends with the specified suffix.
contains(“”) String Returns true if this string contains the specified String value.
length() String Returns the length of this string.
collectionSize() All types Returns the size of current parameter’s collection.
instanceIndex() All types Returns the index of current instance of parameter

Supported Operators

Type Operators
unary !
multiplicative *   /   %
additive +   –
relational <    >   <=   >=
equality ==    !=
logical AND &&   and (case insensitive)
logical OR ||   or (case insensitive)

Examples listed below will help better understand the functionality of the Conditional module.

4.7.1 File conditions example

This example will help understand how to set up a conditional module that chooses the execution path based on weather a file exists at a specific module output.

To create this conditional module follow the steps below,

1. Right click on the empty area in any workflow and select “New->Conditional”

2. Click on “Conditions” tab and click on “Edit” button.

3. Click on “Add” button to create a new parameter. Name the parameter, for example as “inputFile”. Choose the file type if needed and click “OK”.

4. Click on the “Condition source code” area and press the F1 Key to see a list of available parameters (NOTE: If there are no parameters declared, then there will be no parameters displayed when F1 key is pressed. New parameters have to be defined for the current conditional module before the conditional source code is specified). Choose the “inputFile” parameter by double clicking on this option.

5.Enter a “.” after the inputFile (inputFile.) to access the various functions. Choose”exists()”under “File functions” option by double clicking on it (inputFile.exists()). This condition checks if the parameter “inputFile” exists.

6. Click OK and a new conditional module is created with one input and two outputs, “TRUE” and “FALSE”. If the parameter “inputFile” exists then the conditional will feed the inputFile to the “TRUE” output Parameter else to the “FALSE” output parameter.

7. Other functional modules can be connected to the outputs of TRUE/FALSE accordingly. If one output is always used, the other output could be disabled like any other module output.

4.7.2 Arithmetical/Comparison example

This example will demonstrate how to check the value of a parameter and determine if it has positive value(this number could be output of a previous module or information in the meta data).

undefinedundefined undefined 1) Follow the previous example until the step where the parameters are defined. Click on edit and create 2 input parameters, number1, number2 and both are of type “Number”. Click “OK”.

2) In the “Condition source code” area type the following “Number1 > 0 && Number2 > 0”. This condition will check if both the inputs, Number1 and Number2 are greater than zero i.e. positive values. The conditional module created thus will have two inputs (Number1 and Number2) and four outputs (2 True and 2 False).

3) Arithmetic comparisons with other types of parameters (String, File, Numbers etc ) can also be performed using the Conditional Module. For example, a conditional module can have 5 input parameters like,

inputFile – Type: File

inputDir – Type: File

Number1 – Type: Number

Number2 – Type: Number

Name – Type: String

We can make various conditions like,

a) inputFile.exists && inputDir.isdir() :This condition checks if inputFile exists AND inputDir is a directory. This will return TRUE only if both the conditions are true since && logical operator is used.

b) inputFile.exists() || (Number1 + Number2 > 10 && Number1 * Number2 < 500): This condition checks if inputFile exists OR Number1 plus Number2 is greater than 10 AND Number1 times Number2 is lower than 500. This condition will return true if inputFiles exists OR if both arithmetical conditions are True.

4.7.3 Metadata conditions example

Another important and useful feature of Conditional Module is its ability to be used with a Study module. Metadata information from the input files can be used to create various conditions, for example “inputFile.belongsToGroup(“Young”)”, where Young is a group created under the Study Module. This condition will ensure that all the input files that belong to group Young will be fed to the TRUE output parameter. For more details on setting up groups in a study module using metadata information please refer to the Study module description.

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4.8 Web service modules

The type of this module already implies its role in the workflow, it allows users to call web services and use its results for further processing. As of version 5.3 only SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) based web services are supported. Web services are described in a special XML file, WSDL files, which have different versions and 5.3 only support WSDL 1.1.

In order to create a web service module, please follow these instructions:

1) Right click on the canvas and select New->Web Service…

2) In a newly opened dialog, enter a valid WSDL location URL and click Connect.

3) Pipeline will try to connect to WSDL document and show all interfaces and methods of selected web service.

4) After selecting the interface and method, click on “Create module” button. A new web service module will appear on the canvas with all the inputs that selected method requires. Below are two examples of different methods from the same WSDL document.

The following image shows a web service module which doesn’t have any input parameter,
but the following image has 3 required input parameters and pipeline automatically defined them. Pipeline will try to detect parameter types and set them. Names of input parameters are set automatically and are not subject to change.

Let’s right click on the module and see what’s inside. The web service module has similar metadata values as other pipeline modules in their Info tabs. Parameters tab shows all input parameters as well as output paramaters. Inputs are the same as for other modules, but outputs are different. Before talking about Outputs, please note that you have couple limitations when playing with parameters of web service modules. Unlike other modules, these modules won’t allow you to change input parameter names or create new input parameters. You will only be able to create new outputs.

1) Click on Add button and a new parameter will be created, which by default is already an output parameter.The image below shows the described scenario which was done with “list_databases” method. Thus, it doesn’t have any input parameter and only has the newly created output parameter “New Parameter 1”.

2) If the newly created parameter is not selected, select it and “Select output branch…” tree will appear. This tree shows you the hierarchy of the output XML the web service provides. The Output of SOAP web service is expected to be an XML document. If you don’t select anything from the tree, then the whole result in XML format will become the return value of the selected output parameter. But if you don’t want to deal with XML documents and are only interested in getting text output from the web service, simply select the youngest child in the tree (node which doesn’t have children).

In this example, we need to take just definitions of web service’s output, so when we connect other modules to this string output parameter, we won’t have to worry about parsing XML. Of course, we could select any of the parent of “definition” node ( for example, we could select Definition, or ArrayOfDefinition, or even Root ) but in that case the return value would be in XML and the next module would need to parse it.

3) Click OK and you’ll notice the output parameter which we just created.

Now we can test our web service, simply click the Play button ( or Ctrl+R on Windows, Cmd+R on Mac ) and the web service module should complete in couple seconds. After completion, right click on the module and select “Show Results”.

A similar to Execution logs dialog will open which will provide basic information of the web service and its output.
Switch to “Output Stream” tab, there you can see the output of web service module execution.

It is a SOAP Envelope and includes namespace information for parsing the result. You may now wonder and ask such question “But didn’t we choose to have just the “definition” tag as output ?”, well please note, that when we chose that, we were configuring a single output parameter of this module and this is the output stream of the web service module which contains the whole output. It will always stay the same, no matter if the module has any output parameter or multiple of them.

In order to use the return value of configured parameter, simply connect the output to other modules.
As you can see, we got 53 results and the next module, started to execute all of them.

Finally, if you created a web service module and in the future you want to change the method or interface, you can do it by switching into tab “Service Details” in Edit Web Service dialog.


There you can check and select all interfaces and methods of the web service as well as get information about method parameters. Please note that as soon as you change the interface or method, all previously created output parameters will be removed.

4.9 Transformer Module

Transformer modules are a new type of module introduced in Pipeline version 6.1. These modules expand on the functionality of the current transformations feature that exists in the module definition window of regular modules. Allowing users to do transformations in an independent module opens up many avenues for manipulating parameters in new ways as well as simplifying workflows. Transformers follow much the same format as regular modules. You can create input parameters to hold dynamic values, such as file names, and then create transformation steps to transform the values in different ways. The steps happen sequentially and their result is stored in a single output parameter that is automatically created by the module.

1. To get started using transformers, right click the empty canvas and click the new “transformer” module type.

2. After creating the transformer, the module definition window opens where the users can specify any number of input parameters and then configure various transformations. As a simple example, let’s click the “Parameters” tab and add a new input parameter with the type “File”.

3. Click the “Transformations” tab so we can start transforming. The transformer module does not automatically include your input parameters in the resulting output unless it is told to do so. Thus, to begin transforming the input we must append it to the output of the transformer module which always begins empty. To do this, click “add”, select “append”, then change the dropdown menu from “Custom Value” to “Parameter Value”, and finally select the input parameter we created in the previous step.

4. Now we can transform this input in any way we like. To continue our example, let’s say that we know the file(s) given to this input parameter will contain the word “input” and we want to change that to “subject”. We can “add” another step, select “replace”, and then type “input” in the first box and “subject” in the second box so that the the former will be replaced with the latter. We can also select a type for our output parameter, which will be automatically created when we finish making the module. In this example, our input is a file and we want to keep the output as a file so change the dropdown menu next to “Output Type:” to file. Our transformer window should now look like this:


5. Click “OK” at the bottom of the window to finalize our module. It will look like a smaller version of a regular module:
6. To complete the example, we can add a data source of input files to connect to the transformer module’s input parameter, as well as an executable module to connect to the transformer’s output parameter. It is important to note that transformer module’s cannot execute on their own and must be connected to an executable module. After executing, the evaluation logs of the transformer module can be checked by right clicking the transformer and it displays each step and the corresponding result.

The example above was very simple, but you can create a variety of complex transformations using the 4 available transformation types:

Currently, transformer modules are not meant to replace the old transformation feature and there is some overlap in the functionality of these 2 features. The old transformations feature excels at manipulating output parameters and setting up definitions for optional parameters.

4.10 Remote file browser

Remote browsing Remote File Browser

Now with Remote File Browser you will be able to browse remotely the files located on the server and select them as executable locations, parameter values, and data sources and sinks. This feature appears when you check the “Remote” checkbox and click on the “Remote browse…” button or for some cases like data sources simply by clicking Add button and selecting Remote file.

4.11 Processing multiple inputs

One of the strengths of the LONI Pipeline is its ability to simplify processing of multiple pieces of data, by using the same workflow you use to process a single input. The only change you need to create a data source to hold the multiple inputs. The data source can then be used as the input to any module in the workflow.

You can even provide multiple inputs to multiple parameters. For example, if you have a parameter on a module with a data source feeding in 4 inputs and another parameter also with a data source feeding in 4 inputs the Pipeline will submit 4 instances of that module for execution with each pair of inputs being submitted together. If you were to bind 4 inputs to a data source, and 5 inputs to another, the Pipeline would submit 20 instances of this module for execution. The commands will be composed of the dot product of all the inputs provided. For the latter case, the order of iteration depends on the order of the parameters. In other words, if the 4 inputs (say: A, B, C, and D) are provided to the module’s first parameter and the 5 inputs (say: 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5) to its second parameter, the Pipeline would generate command arguments in the following order:

A 1, A 2, A 3, A 4, A 5, B 1, B 2, B 3, B 4, B 5, C 1, …
In fact, this principle generalizes to any number of parameters. The last parameter is always iterated first, then the second-to-last, and so on.

Alternately, you can use a .list file (a file ending with a .list extension which contains the path to all input files) to specify multiple input files.

Note that the cardinality of modules will be matched up whenever possible in the workflow, and whenever there is a mismatch, the inputs will be multiplied. Here is an example to illustrate.

undefined In this workflow the Pipeline will execute 4 instances of every module.
undefined In this workflow modules A and C will have 4 instances. Module D will have 5 instances and module B will have 20 instances.

Also, it is worth mentioning that it is valid to connect two output parameters to the same input parameter. Let’s look at the example below:


Let’s say that module A creates an output file called A_OUTPUT and module B creates an output called B_OUTPUT. Module C describes the GNU copy command, and has two input parameters – Source and Target, both taking one argument. The output parameters of module A and B are connected to module C’s Source input parameter. Finally, let module C’s Target parameter be bound to some target path, “/nethome/users/someuser/”.

The resulting execution is as follows – module A and B will run and create their respective output files, and module C will then execute two commands:

cp A_OUTPUT /nethome/users/someuser/
cp B_OUTPUT /nethome/users/someuser/

If the location you’re running this workflow at has a cluster, the pipeline will run both commands concurrently; if a cluster is not available, both commands will run in series and wait for completion before moving on to any subsequent modules.

4.12 Enable/Disable parameters

3 State buttons Exported parameter

Most modules have 2-3 required parameters on them, and several more optional parameters. If you want to exercise any of those additional options, simply double-click on the module and you’ll see a list of all the required and optional parameters for that module. For each additional option you want to use just click on the box on the left side of its name to enable, disable and export it. When the checkbox is not checked, parameter is disabled and Pipeline will not require to input value for that parameter. If checkbox is checked, parameter is Enabled and Pipeline will require to input value for that parameter. Finally when checkbox is checked and has double line, it means that current parameter is exported. Notice that you are not able to disable parameters that are required.

4.13 Annotations

undefinedAs your workflow becomes larger and larger at times you may forget what a particular section of it was meant to perform. To help jog your memory, you can add annotations to your workflow to remind you what you were doing later on, or as notes for other people who use your workflow. The Pipeline currently supports textual and graphic annotations. To add an annotation, right-click on an empty area of the canvas and select either ‘Add Annotation’ or ‘Add Image.’ A dialog will pop up and, based on type of annotation you are creating, you will be able to enter text or select an image. Click OK when finished and you should see a translucent box appear in your workflow where you clicked. You can move the annotation around by just clicking and dragging. You can also copy and paste annotations just like other modules. Lengthy text annotations can be collapsed to reduce clutter in a workflow, then expanded to retrieve full descriptions. A ‘Hide Annotations’ option in the workflow toolbar can be utilized to completely hide all annotations from the canvas.

4.14 Variables

undefinedTo make things easier when entering values for module parameters, you can define variables to represent a path name that can then be used as the input or output to a module parameter. You can access the variables window by going to Window -> Variables. Click on the Add button, then type in the Name (whatever you want to call the variable) and the Value (the path associated with the variable). The Scope column shows the module group name where this variable is created. Variables are inherited from parent module group to child module group, but variables defined inside child module group cannot be seen by its parent. If you want to continue adding more variables, click on the Add button again; otherwise, simply close the Variables dialog box. Now, in order to use a variable in your workflow, you use the convention {variableName} as the value for your input and output parameters (i.e. surround the variable name with curly braces). The Pipeline will parse the actual path location of the variable for you when it executes.

Pipeline supports two special variables – {$username} and {$tempdir}. {$username} is predefined for all workflows and its value is the username of the user that runs the workflow. {$tempdir} requires configuration by the Pipeline server administrator either via the Pipeline server installation utility or the server terminal GUI. Once configured, its value will be the path to a globally-accessible scratch directory. You can use both in the same way that you use other variables.

4.15 IDA

undefinedThe Pipeline has the capability to utilize data from the LONI Image Data Archive (IDA). Pipeline takes advantage of our cluster nodes to download files in parallel from the IDA database. This improves download time drastically, and you don’t have to keep connected to the server during the download. You can also enable metadata so that metadata files will be downloaded along with data as a Study design module.

In order to establish a connection to the database, go to Tools > Database. Under IDA tab, enter The Pipeline has the capability to utilize data from the LONI Image Data Archive (IDA). Give your IDA username and password and click Connect. You will see on the right hand side the data that you have access to (you will have to either upload your own data through the IDA web interface at, or log into IDA and put existing files into your account).

Select the files that you want to process with the Pipeline, desired file format and where do you want to put the data. You can put data remotely on the server, or locally on your machine. If destination is remote, check the Remote box and specify server name. If you want to include metadata, check Include metadata check box, and select metadata file destination server. Click on Create Module, after a while a new workflow will be created with an IDAGet module and a data source (if include metadata was not selected) or a study (if include metadata was checked).

undefinedundefinedundefined undefined At this point data files are not downloaded. (Metadata files are downloaded, if you have it enabled.) You will notice the output of the IDAGet module has the file type you specified. You can now connect this output to the input of your workflow and run the workflow. As the first module of the workflow, data will be downloaded from IDA and fed directly to the next module. Notice the data and metadata downloaded from the IDA will be temporary stored as intermediate files of the workflow, they will be deleted if you reset the workflow.

undefinedundefined If you like to use data from IDA over and over again, it is better to download the data the first time to some permanent location and reuse it later. You can do so by creating a data sink and connect it to the output of the IDAGet module. You can either list output items one by one, or use directory dump. After successfully running this workflow, you can copy this data sink and paste it to any workflow, right click on it and choose “Convert to study”. The data sink will be automatically converted to a study module with proper inputs. Later if you want to reuse this data set, you can simply copy this study module to your workflow.

4.16 NDAR

undefined undefined undefined The Pipeline supports integration from the National Database for Autism Research (NDAR) database. First of all, you need to link your NDAR credential in LONI Pipeline. Login with your NDAR credential under Tools > Database & Cloud Storage. Once it’s connected, give package ID(s) (see below for more info) you would like to download, then select file type and the Pipeline server address. When you click Create Modules, a workflow will be created with specified package ID and file type. You can connect your processing workflow to the output parameter and run the workflow.

Please note, the majority of NDAR packages are very large in size (over 1GB is common), so downloading a package may take a long time. Once the download is complete, it will list all data files (dicom, nifti, minc, analyze img) in the package as inputs.

undefined undefined Package ID: When you create a new package, you can find out the package ID after you specify the package name on NDAR website. To find out package IDs of existing packages, open Download Manager to find out the IDs.

4.17 XNAT

undefinedThe Pipeline supports integration from the XNAT database. By providing the XNAT Catalog file (which is an XML file identifying your data, it can be downloaded from XNAT web interface), Pipeline takes advantage of server’s cluster nodes to download files in parallel from the XNAT server, and to do file conversion if necessary. The mechanism is similar to the IDA downloading, which provides tight integration on your processing steps, improves download time drastically, and you don’t have to keep connected during the download. You can also enable metadata so that metadata files will be downloaded along with data as a Study design module.

Pipeline-XNAT interface requires XNAT Catalog XML file from an XNAT server. Catalog file is an XML file that contains a list of sessions/entries, each entry is represented as a unique URI on the XNAT server. Catalog files can be easily obtained on XNAT’s web interface. For more information, please check our detailed step-by-step protocol for anonymizing, uploading, downloading and utilizing data from XNAT database.


Anonymize Subject data

Open Pipeline Client and type anonymize at the search window. Choose the module. Connect a data source with all the dicom directories that needs to be anonymized and save it the required location. Run the workflow to anonymize the dicom files. One could also change the .das file that is used here as the default and based on the user requirement a new new .das file can be generated.

Uploading files to XNAT central

Go to XNAT server and login if you have a username if not click on register to create one.




Once you login, click on New and choose Project.

Enter the information on the project form and also choose the accessibility option and submit.

Also you could create new subjects under the project, by clicking on new Subject and filling out the information that is required.

To upload images, click on Upload and choose Images,






Choose Option1: Choose the project to which you want to upload the data. Select the .zip file and upload the images.

Once the uploading is done, follow the instructions to review and archive the uploaded data.

Now go to Pre archived images and submit the sessions so it is achived in the specific project. For eg, Under Upload option choose “ Go to pre-archive” section.

Here on this page you will see a list of all the images that are uploaded.

Click on each session and select the Project, Subject and session option and click on submit to archive the sessions.

Once the subject/sessions are submitted, you can view them under the main Project page.

Downloading archived files using Pipeline








Choose the Project that you are interested in. Go to MR sessions. Click on Options and select Download.

This will open another window as shown below. Choose sessions and data type, and select Option 2 (XML) as download format.

Click on submit and an XML file opens.

Right click on this file and save it to you local computer.
Open the Pipeline client (PL 5.1). Go to Tools and select Database (IDA/XNAT).

Under XNAT tab, browse and select the xml file that was downloaded from the XNAT central website. Fill in the username and password information and connect.

Also one could download the data in different formats. Choose one. The data can also be saved on a remote server or on the local machine.

Click on Create Module and connect a LONI viewer to view the data that is being downloaded, or module with appropriate input to process the data, or a data sink with specified download file location path to save the data.

Run the workflow, XNATGet module will download the data.

4.18 Cloud storage

undefined undefined undefined undefined undefined

You can specify your data in the cloud as input and output to any Pipeline workflows. Currently supported cloud storage vendors are Amazon S3, Box and Dropbox. To start, link your cloud account to the LONI Pipeline under Tools > Database & Cloud Storage > Cloud Storage tab.

To link your Amazon S3 account, you need to specify Access Key ID and Access Key, which can be found here (after login, it’s under Access Credentials). Copy and paste the Access Key ID and Access Key and click “Link Amazon S3”, the status under Amazon S3 should show “Linked”.

To link your Box account, click on “Link Box…” button and click on “Open Link Page” button. Your browser will open a web page and you need to login with your Box account. After successfully authenticate, you can close the web page and go back to LONI Pipeline and click “Done” button. Now the status under Box should show “Linked”.

To link your Dropbox account, click on “Link Dropbox…” button and click on “Open Link Page” button. Your browser will open a web page and you need to login with your Dropbox account. After successfully authenticate, and click “Allow” button, you can close the web page and go back to LONI Pipeline and click “Done” button. Now the status under Dropbox should show “Linked”.

You can now use your data in the cloud as input and have results saved to the cloud by using the Cloud Source and Cloud Sink modules.

4.19 Server changer

Server ChangerSuppose you have more than one Pipeline servers running, each of them is configured so that all executables have the same path. In this situation, you want to change the server address on some or all the modules in a workflow quickly, the server changer tool lets you do this. Select Tools -> Server Changer, specify particular regular modules, data modules, or all of them, and choose the new server and click “Change”. Note the new server must be already stored in Connection Manager.

Previous: 3. Interface Overview Table of Contents Next: 5. Execution

General Questions

Installing Pipeline

Pipeline Web Start

Accessing the Pipeline Server

Using Pipeline

General Questions

What is Pipeline?

The LONI Pipeline is a distributed system for constructing, validating, executing and disseminating scientific workflows on grid computing architectures.

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How Pipeline is different from other workflow processing environments ?

A major difference between this and other workflow processing environments is that the LONI Pipeline does not require new tools and services to include, or be built against, the core Pipeline libraries. The Pipeline environment references all data, services and tools as external objects. This allows the Pipeline to run as a light-weight middleware, but at the same time, restricts the scope of its applications. For example, the Pipeline does not provide a set of internal core libraries, filters and processes for rudimentary image processing (e.g., image addition).

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Who Uses Pipeline?

A distributed client-server and platform-agnostic computational infrastructure has been provided to the institutions featured here.

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What are the requirements of LONI Pipeline?

The Pipeline requires Oracle Java 6 (JRE 1.6) or higher to run. To find out which Java version you have: in Windows, click Start-> Run… and type cmd and hit OK, then type java -version; in Linux/UNIX/Mac, under terminal, type java -version. Please note, other varieties of Java (which is not Java HotSpot distributed by Oracle) is not tested and LONI Pipeline may not work properly.

If you are using Mac OS X v10.7.5 (Lion) and above and are downloading the LONI Pipeline installer for the first time, you may not be able to launch the installer because of a new feature called Gatekeeper. Please go to System Preferences… > Security & Privacy > General tab and select Anywhere (You can change it back after installation is complete).

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What license is the LONI Pipeline released under?

Pipeline is released under the LONI license.

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Who funded development of the LONI Pipeline?

A list of funding agencies can be found here.

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How I acknowledge my use of the Pipeline in my paper/publication?

Please refer to Acknowledgments and Credits page.

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Is it necessary to write shell script wrappers for executable programs in order to describe these executables as Pipeline modules?

The pipeline environment does not require any modifications, rebuilds, redeployments of existent tools which provide a well-defined command-line executable invocation syntax. However, sometimes it may be helpful or necessary to wrap executable tools via external shell scripts (e.g., tcsh, csh, bash, etc.) Examples of these situations include:
* instances of command-line executable tools that have a well-defined invocation syntax, however, output implicit number, types and formats of results/data that can not be inferred a priori e.g. VolumeMultipleRegression tool.
* tools that require customized environmental variable settings, system controls or job-submission parameter settings (e.g., SPM, FSL/FEAT, etc.)

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May I package my workflows as part of a tool and distribute to others?

Once a workflow has been constructed, it can be saved as a .pipe file, which can be sent to collaborators. If specific servers are being accessed, privileges must exist for the user to connect to the server.

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May I use the Pipeline client to execute workflows on my own computer?

Yes, in describing a module definition, simply specify the path of the executable to point to a local copy.

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Do you have training sessions? If yes, how can I participate?

We organize several training events throughout the year, registration requirements and location for each event is different, please see the Pipeline Training Page for upcoming events and their details.

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Installing Pipeline

I get “LONI Pipeline is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Trash.” or “LONI Pipeline can’t be opened because it is from an unidentified developer” messages when trying to install on Mac OSX, how can I fix this?

It is likely that your OS X’s GateKeeper prevents you from running LONI Pipeline. Open System Preferences and click on “Security & Privacy” icon. Unlock the lock in case it is locked and select “Anywhere” option. Now try to open LONI Pipeline package again and installation should work. After the Pipeline installation is done, you can change the Gatekeeper option to previously selected value. For more information, please refer to Apple’s documentation.

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Pipeline Web Start

I get “pipeline.jnlp can’t be opened because it is from an unidentified developer.” message when trying to run Pipeline Web Start on Mac OSX, how can I fix this?

It is likely that your OS X’s GateKeeper prevents you from running LONI Pipeline. Open System Preferences and click on “Security & Privacy” icon. Unlock the lock in case it is locked and select “Anywhere” option. Now try to open LONI Pipeline package again and installation should work. After the Pipeline installation is done, you can change the Gatekeeper option to previously selected value. For more information, please refer to Apple’s documentation.

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Accessing Pipeline Server

How can I get access to the LONI Pipeline server?

It is a two-step process. First, if you don’t have a LONI account, fill out the LONI account application, which lets you download LONI software (including the LONI Pipeline), and post on the LONI forums. Second, if you need to connect to LONI Pipeline crainum server, you need to apply for an account here. Note that you need to login with your LONI account in the first step. If you have any questions regarding account application, email us at

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Why I can’t connect to Pipeline server from my computer?

LONI Pipeline server moved from UCLA to USC. Your old credential will not work with our new server. You need to re-apply for an account at USC. Please go to LONI Pipeline Account Application page to apply.

It is recommended that you have the latest version of the client when you connect to our server. You can download the client here.

Pipeline uses port 8001 to communicate with the server. If you are getting Server Not Found problem but you are sure that the server you’re connecting to is up and running then it is probably your firewall or something else blocking your connection. Please make sure the port 8001 is bypassed by your firewall. If you are in a local network, please check with your system administrator to make sure there is nothing blocking the port 8001 on your end.

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I have a LONI Pipeline account (from UCLA), why I can’t connect to LONI Pipeline server at USC (

LONI Pipeline server moved from UCLA to USC. Your old credential will not work with our new server. You need to re-apply for an account at USC. Please go to LONI Pipeline Account Application page to apply.

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I am getting “Server not found”, “Authentication rejected”, or “Authentication failed” error messages, what can I do?

If you are getting “Server not found” message, it’s most likely caused by invalid hostname or firewall settings. LONI Pipeline server moved from UCLA to USC, to find out the new hostname, you can download the latest version of the client. Pipeline uses port 8001 to communicate with the server, so please make sure the port 8001 is open on your computer.

If you are getting “Authentication rejected”, or “Authentication failed” message, it indicates your credential is invalid. If you are connecting to our USC server, you can go to to verify/change your password, or email us with your registered email and we’ll reset your password (we will never ask for your password).

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What happens if I get an ‘Incompatible Versions’ error when I try to connect to a Pipeline server?

Your version of the client is out of sync with the version the server is running. Download the latest version of the client and try connecting again. If you still receive the error message and you’re sure you have the latest version of the client, the server is probably running an older version of the Pipeline. In this case, contact the server administrator and ask them to update to the latest version of the Pipeline server.

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How can I change my LONI Pipeline account’s password?

You can go to to do so.

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Using Pipeline

How do I disseminate my new computations tool and a corresponding Pipeline wrapper to the community?

Once you have constructed a new module definition, you may submit it for addition to the LONI pipeline server by emailing it to for approval and distribution through the LONI server.

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If my executable has a GUI, how can I view it locally while the process is running remotely through a Pipeline server?

There are several steps that need to be carried out in order to accomplish this. In particular, you need to run an X server on your local machine, write a wrapper script to properly set up the DISPLAY environmental variable prior to running the executable, and specify that the job should be submitted to a node with external network access. The details can be found in the User Guide Advanced Topics.

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How can I provide feedback, make feature requests, or obtain help with the software?

If you want to make feature requests or need some technical help with the software that is not addressed in the user guide or server setup guide, you can check out our forums. You can do keyword search, and if you could not find answer, you can post your questions there. We will get back to you as quickly as we can.

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I think I’ve found a bug! How can I tell you guys?

You can file a bug report through the Pipeline client. Select Help -> Report a Bug from the top menu bar. If desired, fill out the optional fields for name, email and server username. You can also attach the workflow being processed and enter in any details about the bug.

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